
Typically beginning in the Fall of the 6th grade year through 8th grade from October-May, students gather on Sunday nights from 5-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall for teaching time and social time.  

To encourage students to explore all aspects of a faith life, a covenant of regular worship attendance with service to the congregation and their community is created with students and families. 

We create our own confirmation curriculum based on questions our students have on faith, God, Jesus, and where God can be found in day to day life. 

We believe that faith is learned best at home, so we ask that our parents help facilitate faith learning by having conversations about our weekly confirmation topics and attending worship together.

If you have any questions, please contact Pr. Nyla or Anna. There’s always time to start confirmation this year!

At Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church, we believe that Confirmation is a three-year partnership between parents, students, and the congregation - to fulfill the vows made in Holy Baptism, while preparing students for the challenges and responsibilities of a mature faith in Jesus Christ. 

Confirmation flows from the sacrament of baptism, reminding students of the promises of forgiveness and salvation through faith in Christ. Confirmation offers the time and space for students to ask questions, explore the Bible, learn from Luther’s Catechism and form relationships with peers and adults rooted in Christ. This ministry culminates in the Rite of Affirmation of Baptism on Reformation Sunday, but the relationships and spiritual foundation remain as a place of continued growth through adulthood.


High School Youth Group

