Mission Quilters

Join our SHLC Mission Quilters every Monday from 10am-2pm in the SHLC Fellowship Hall with a sack lunch break at 12 noon.  ALL are welcome to show up and join in the fun!  If you would like to help, but can’t make it on Mondays, we have precut kits available to sew quilt tops at home.  Please keep us in mind as you clean out closets by donating new and reusable fabrics, sheets, fillers (such as blankets, and batting), crochet cord, and thread.  Donations can be brought to the church office any time during business hours.


Ways You Can Help:  1.) Join the quilters on Mondays  2.) Kits are available if you can’t join us on Mondays but would like to help by making a quilt top   3.) Sponsor a quilts shipping cost for just $3.00    4.) Help purchase a roll of batting for over 25 quilts that costs $100.


Contemporary Worship Band


Sanctuary Choir