Vacation Bible School is 7/21-25
We will need adult and youth volunteers!! Mark your Calendars for July 21-25. The theme will involve water! Email Doug@shlc.org if you would like to volunteer or help set-up fort his fun summer week!!!
Sign-Up For The Day of Service MAY 3rd!
Go To ---> www.dayofservice.info

Join Us Sundays!
8:30am Worship with Organ and Communion
9:45am Sunday School
10:45am Worship with Band and Communion
There’s Space for you!

Are you receiving our weekly emailed Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church Eblast communications? We send out almost weekly email communications to our email Eblast subscribers. If you are not receiving these emails and would like to, please click on the link below!
Sign up for our regular church email Eblast communications here today!
3/10 Email Eblast https://conta.cc/4boUnV
3/3 Email Eblast https://conta.cc/4kspRyb
2/27 Email Scam Eblast https://conta.cc/3QDxqUY
Find us on YouTube
If you missed a Sunday, or if you would like to enjoy a particular song again, you can find it all on our YouTube page.
Join us Sunday at 8:30am for worship, 9:45am for Sunday School and 10:45am for worship
Join us In Person & Online Sundays at 8:30am and 10:45am for worship
Join us Sunday at 8:30am for worship, 9:45am for Sunday School and 10:45am for worship
Join us Sundays as we invite everyone to our worship service! This service will also be LIVE streaming from our Facebook page!
Find Yourself at Sammamish Hills an ELCA Congregation
Wherever you’re at on your spiritual Journey, you are welcome to find yourself here.
Meet God
We’re called to Meet God in our everyday lives.
Meet Friends
Celebrate and enjoy each other's company.
Live Life Better
Through good, bad, and everything in-between.